This was actually a really cool thing to do, ive never even used Telenet or anything like this before ever and found being able to hook up to the library to look for a Author was really cool, i struggled at first but i had some help to figure it out (Thanx fiona).
But This is what i ended up doing, First i clicked on the start menu and then hit search and looked for telnet once i found it i opened up the application and this was the screen that i first saw.
At this screen i typed a ''o'' and then the word ''To'' poped up in brackets. I then typed in the address which was library.deakin.edu.au which took me to this screen.
Once at this screen there was a bunch of differnt options,but the one i needed was the first one with was the Author,so i typed in A and was taken to yet another screen ( are u still following lol) and this is what i saw.
This page is were i Typed in the authors name. The authors name was Bennaham, and once this was done a screen poped up showing the books written by the author,and then i was given the option to print,so i pressed p and typed in my Curtin email and these details were emailed to me.
OK this was the coolest thing lol, now task a i thought yeah was cool but seemed abit boring and all but once i checked out this i couldnt stop laughing it cool. basically what i did was in the telnet page as on the first image above i typed in towel.blinkenlights.nl. I totally didnt now what to ecpect but what came up made me laugh so hard, Basically its a really low budget version of starwars episode 4 a new hope the movie lol. Iooking at it just makes me think how hard that would have been to do. its well worth the watch u can either do what ive done as above or heres a link to a site which plays it straight out. http://www.asciimation.co.nz/
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
I was actually really surprised how easily i was able to do this considering i had no idea what i was doing. Filezilla ia a really good program and very easy to use if anyone is interested in getting Filezilla go to this website:http://filezilla-project.org/ and its a quick download and your done.
This is the main page of the Filzilla program.

When u first open it you might look at it and go ''ok what now'' but its actually pretty easy to figure out. First of the look for the Host box in the top left corner,once youve found that type in the site and click on the quickconnect button on the right.
The site i was looking for was Recall.curtin.edu.au as this is a project im doing for uni.
After Typing in the site i was after the program quickly got to work finding what i was after as shown below.

Notice how some files now are seen in the right hand boxes on the screen, in my case it was a file saying Anonymous,once i clicked on the file 2 files showed up one saying MSC and the other saying ROB i opend these up and had abit of a look thru and there are all sorts of different files and images in them.
but the one im looking for is just a file called readme. i clicked on the file and saved it to my computer.
This is what was written in the file.
I personaly really enjoyed this task i never really relised you could do this until now, i was always a google everything kinda guy lol but i guess this can be an alternative to finding stuff u need good stuff.
Now this one was actually really cool but kinda creepy at the same time. the idea that people anywhere can hook into computers all over the world is abit troubling,but routers have secruity so i guess it isnt all bad. so yes basically this task was about tracerouting.I went to the website http://centralops.net/co/ and then got into doing abit of tracing,so i typed in the curtin website and sat back and watched all the little numbers go up.when it finshed it showed a screen like this one below.
So i checked out the results and found that there were 20 hops and it took 249 millisecondsand from what it looks like it hoped from a few different IPs before settleing on the site i looked for and even displayed the IP which was which i thought was pretty cool.So after doing the trace from before i decided to go this this other side and see if there was any differance with the 2.http://network-tools.com/ this ones outcome was alittle different as shown below.
Basically the differance was that with this trace it only took 18 hops not 20 and took 267 milliseconds which i found cool. Im gonna keep messing around with this and see what other differances i can find so keep a look out for more postings.
Comparing the pings

Basically this was really weird result to me, and for the life of me i cant figure out why the differenance but this is what happened. The picture on the left shows the results for the ping with the program on my computer.
The results when i typed in webct.curtin.edu.com to ping came up with just 5 hops and it only took it about 69 miliseconds to do. But oddly enough when i did the same thing using the net tools website i got a massive differance. the results from the net tools site were 10 hops and 266.6 milliseconds. as shown below.

Im not entirely sure why this one took so much longer, is it because it was searching from a website whereas the other was derect from my computer i mean i guess its possible but im not sure anyway this one left me a little stumped lol .
Traceroute Again

So i did a trace on the Webct.curtin.edu.au from the program i downloaded straight from my computer and yet again it got to where it was going alot faster this was done in 14 hops and about 70 milliseconds, so im assuming that if your searching derectly from your computer your cutting out some of the middle man.