Monday, June 23, 2008


I can honestly say i didn't really have much difficulty doing this and i really enjoyed it to, learning all the different tags to use to make up a website it fun but also abit daunting cause there are alot to remember. I did really feel like i had achieved something when i had finished and it did make we feel a hole lot brighter for doing it as well. I think there is a big difference between HTML and blogging mostly because blogging is a site usually set up for you and u just add things like images and text, but HTML is more you can literally make a page look how u want it down to the littlest detail if you know the right tags that is plus this site I'm using for blogging didn't someone have to use HTML or something similar to even create this site in the first place. so yeah in my opion i prefer HTML and i wanna learn as much of it as possible lol its just remembering it all is the problem haha wish me luck.


Five things people should know when designing and writing on a website, as shown in Jakob Nielsens 1997 reading on the web article.
I think everything he stated in the article is still valid,people dont want lots of boring reading they want to be able to brush over a site and know what its all about.
I ran my blog site through the HTML validator on the w3 website and ended up with 308 errors which to me seems like a lot i did a scan down of the errors and here are an example of a few.Multiple comments in comment declaration,There is no attribute"name,description,type,default.Element variable undefined etc. I have to be honest with u when i say reading all this to me at the moment looks like gibberish but I'm guessing that the tags in the html code arnt regeristing properly or something.I guess thetas what happens when you do it the blog may without actually doing the HTML yourself. it looks like a lot of it was display type stuff.
When i think about it long and hard and read all the copyrighted stuff i probably have put up pictures or text that could be called copyright but I'm pretty sure most of it I've referenced to(at least i hope so anyway) but it does raise a good question about if i was to add the curtin logo to my page would that be copyright i think yes it would IF your didn't add some sort of reference stateing what it is and where is from, also i think you could get away with it if it was like an affiliate link to that website itself. still it makes me think hard about what to put on my page, it would suck to innocently put something up without realising its copyright then get in trouble for it.

This is a link to my website ive made its still being worked on but its a start anyway.


Blogs have been an interesting thing to explore and there are so many different ones out there,about all types of topics ranging from politics to video games haha actually there is one amusing blog i did find where a guy recalls his accounts of when he had a tape worm lol but the way he tells it is really funny haha i reakon you guys should check it out at.

WEB 2.0

The difference between the internet communications blinklist and the HTML version are pretty easy to spot because one is actually set out like a nice website with images and links but the HTML version is just basically a list of links on a plain white background which to me seems really boring but probably alittle easier to navigate id have to say.although you would probably benefit more from the blinklist because it just seems to have alot more there not only does it have the links to blogs etc it also has links to ads and stuff to.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ned 11 Module 2 tasks


1: What information about a user's email, the origin of a message, and the path it took, can you glean from an email message?

An email address to me is like a drivers licence or passport it is basically your personal identification, mostly u can pretty much get a fair idea about where emails come from just from the address itself, firstly alot of people use there own names as the username which gives u a name, second the domain name gives u a general idea of what service they are using to email such as yahoo,hotmail,gmail or even the outlook express on a windows computer and where abouts in the world the mail came from. example .com,,.net etc.

2: In what cases would you find it useful to use the 'cc', 'bcc' and 'reply all functions of email?

I guess the biggest use for cc and bcc and reply all would be for big bussines,
so they can send company newsletters,memos etc. but i generally alot of ppl use the reply all feature especially for those funny emails that get sent around alot, i use cc if i find something on the net i wanna show a friend or such. bcc would be used by ppl not wanting everyone knowing what there sending ppl i guess me personalily ive never used it.

3: In what ways can you ensure that an attachment you send will be easily opened by the receiver?

Firstly if u can find out if the recipeant of your email has the software needed to open whatever it is your sending. If u dont know if the recipeant has the software they would need to read your file the best option is to send it in a format such as plain text (ASCII) or rich text file, RTF at least this way you can be sure whatever your sending can be looked at. Also a good tip to is if u have a large file that needs sending try to archive or zip it which is basically compressing the file down to fit.
Also it can be a good idea just to mention in the subject that u have attached a file and what format its in atleat that way the aother person has some idea what they need to view it.

4:What sorts of filters or rules do you have set up, and for what purpose?

Basically a filter is exactly what is says it makes you able to filter messages and moce them to where ever you want or to even let you know whats spam.whats dangerous and whats not. u can do this in the tools section of most emailing applications and you will usually get 3 main options to choose through which are.
"Select the condition of your rule" Select the actions of your rule" and "Rule description" ok so pretty much with "condition" you can specify if the email has specific people in the subject line or body, or specfic words. in the rule actions part you can tell it to move to another folder.forward to another person,copy or delete and the rule desription part shows u what u have done. example "apply this rule after the message arrives where the from line contains specific words move to the specified folder.

5:How have you organised the folder structure of your email and why?

Haha good question lol i use hotmail and to be honest dont really change any of the settings lol i should prop think about doing that.


1:What are the pros and cons of email lists versus discussion boards?

From my experience there isnt really many pros and cons between these two there pretty much the same, the only real differance that i can tell is that newsgroups are decentralized so it uses many different servers all over the world. Discussion boards however are only set up using the one server by the person who usually created the discussion board itself.

2:Are there certain kinds of communication or purposes more suited to one than the other?

There are many kinds of communication such as email,newsgroups,dicussion boards,instant messaging services etc it all depends on the person which of these is suited to who like email for example is comonly used by everyone but also doesnt always get a responce straight away. instant messaging is a good one for people who want to talk in real time, newsgroups and dicussion boards dont have the speed like instant messaging but alos have differeant topics to choose from so all in all i guess its only really up to people to decide.


This task i have to honestly say frudtrated the hell out of me, because first i tryed using outlook but my computer wouldnt let me do that every time i tryed to send a message my computer went spastic. I ended up going to google groups and finding a newsgroup there, i found an xbox 360 newsgroup and posted this message.

From: Punksta24
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 00:44:10 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Jun 16 2008 5:44 pm
Subject: Looking Forward to!!

Hey was just curious what games people out there are looking forward to on the xbox 360 coming soon, me personally i cant wait for Rock band and fable 2 to come out here in Australia and also gears of war 2 is another. i actually just got nija guiden 2 and totally recoment it to anyone who enjoyed the original game.


Ok now this task was right up my ally im a constant user of MSN mostly but have used things like ICQ and other chat devices in the past. but im going to talk about MSN ive spoken to a few people and most of us agree that MSN is one of the most used chat services on the internet, probaly becuase you get it free with every computer you buy that has Windows installed.

Now most comanly youll know MSN straight away from this little image here.

The different colours/symbols representing different things such as Green-Online,Green with clock-Be right back/Away/Out to lunch,Green with red and white dot-Busy/In a call and of course the Grey-Offline/Signout. Now this is what the main area looks like on msn.

This is where all your friends are and where u can see who is online or not,it also has a cool little feature that i use which takes you straight to your email.There are all sorts of adverts up the side to check out to. up the top is where youir name is which u can change to anything u like for that day and underneath an area so u can give a personal message.

Now once you see someone online u wanna talk to its just a matter of double clicking and a chat windows appears alowwing you to chat to that person. its also is able to see pictures and also webcam if available as pictured below.

I have to honestly say i found this task kinda boring only cause i already now all this stuff cause ive been doing it for years.
and in answering the questions in the group task after some hefty discussion, ive decided there isnt alot of differance with each chat system they all over the same thing except some are alot easier to use than others. i personally prefer MSN but thats cause ive always used ti so thats what im used to.ICQ isnt a bad program but i find it difficult to use and the same goes for AIM.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

NET 11 The Internet : Communications Module 1


This was actually a really cool thing to do, ive never even used Telenet or anything like this before ever and found being able to hook up to the library to look for a Author was really cool, i struggled at first but i had some help to figure it out (Thanx fiona).

But This is what i ended up doing, First i clicked on the start menu and then hit search and looked for telnet once i found it i opened up the application and this was the screen that i first saw.

At this screen i typed a ''o'' and then the word ''To'' poped up in brackets. I then typed in the address which was which took me to this screen.

Once at this screen there was a bunch of differnt options,but the one i needed was the first one with was the Author,so i typed in A and was taken to yet another screen ( are u still following lol) and this is what i saw.

This page is were i Typed in the authors name. The authors name was Bennaham, and once this was done a screen poped up showing the books written by the author,and then i was given the option to print,so i pressed p and typed in my Curtin email and these details were emailed to me.


OK this was the coolest thing lol, now task a i thought yeah was cool but seemed abit boring and all but once i checked out this i couldnt stop laughing it cool. basically what i did was in the telnet page as on the first image above i typed in I totally didnt now what to ecpect but what came up made me laugh so hard, Basically its a really low budget version of starwars episode 4 a new hope the movie lol. Iooking at it just makes me think how hard that would have been to do. its well worth the watch u can either do what ive done as above or heres a link to a site which plays it straight out.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

I was actually really surprised how easily i was able to do this considering i had no idea what i was doing. Filezilla ia a really good program and very easy to use if anyone is interested in getting Filezilla go to this website: and its a quick download and your done.

This is the main page of the Filzilla program.

When u first open it you might look at it and go ''ok what now'' but its actually pretty easy to figure out. First of the look for the Host box in the top left corner,once youve found that type in the site and click on the quickconnect button on the right.

The site i was looking for was as this is a project im doing for uni.

After Typing in the site i was after the program quickly got to work finding what i was after as shown below.

Notice how some files now are seen in the right hand boxes on the screen, in my case it was a file saying Anonymous,once i clicked on the file 2 files showed up one saying MSC and the other saying ROB i opend these up and had abit of a look thru and there are all sorts of different files and images in them.

but the one im looking for is just a file called readme. i clicked on the file and saved it to my computer.

This is what was written in the file.

I personaly really enjoyed this task i never really relised you could do this until now, i was always a google everything kinda guy lol but i guess this can be an alternative to finding stuff u need good stuff.


Now this one was actually really cool but kinda creepy at the same time. the idea that people anywhere can hook into computers all over the world is abit troubling,but routers have secruity so i guess it isnt all bad. so yes basically this task was about tracerouting.I went to the website and then got into doing abit of tracing,so i typed in the curtin website and sat back and watched all the little numbers go up.when it finshed it showed a screen like this one below.

So i checked out the results and found that there were 20 hops and it took 249 milliseconds
and from what it looks like it hoped from a few different IPs before settleing on the site i looked for and even displayed the IP which was which i thought was pretty cool.

So after doing the trace from before i decided to go this this other side and see if there was any differance with the 2. this ones outcome was alittle different as shown below.

Basically the differance was that with this trace it only took 18 hops not 20 and took 267 milliseconds which i found cool. Im gonna keep messing around with this and see what other differances i can find so keep a look out for more postings.

Comparing the pings

Basically this was really weird result to me, and for the life of me i cant figure out why the differenance but this is what happened. The picture on the left shows the results for the ping with the program on my computer.

The results when i typed in to ping came up with just 5 hops and it only took it about 69 miliseconds to do. But oddly enough when i did the same thing using the net tools website i got a massive differance. the results from the net tools site were 10 hops and 266.6 milliseconds. as shown below.

Im not entirely sure why this one took so much longer, is it because it was searching from a website whereas the other was derect from my computer i mean i guess its possible but im not sure anyway this one left me a little stumped lol .

Traceroute Again

So i did a trace on the from the program i downloaded straight from my computer and yet again it got to where it was going alot faster this was done in 14 hops and about 70 milliseconds, so im assuming that if your searching derectly from your computer your cutting out some of the middle man.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Excited about learning some new skills for the futrue

I dont know about anyone else whos doing the same degree as me, but im really excited about doing it. i wanted to get into webpage design stuff for a few years now and never really thought id end up doing it at all,but then open universities came along and changed on that for me. " thanx open universities'' but yeh not really sure what else to say lol so thanx for listening to me dribble on anyway.

Top five tips for new bloggers

Hey Everyone this is my First attemp at blogging so it may be rough but here are my top 5 tips for new bloggers.

  1. I guess my first tip would be to research how your going to set up your blog, if your going to just find one of the many sites that provide blogging profiles or create your own.
  2. set up your blog to your own persoanal interests as in editing the background,adding pictures, colour font etc.
  3. my third tip would prob be do you have a specific use for your blog as in is it for use of a university subject such as mine or more personal such as diary.
  4. Try not to offend anybody by what you have written. for sure have your views i guess try to be carefull how you word the stuff u write.
  5. Just have fun with it blogging is a great way of letting out frustration or excitment at whatever may be happining in your life.

hopefully all of that made sense lol